Hosting an event outdoors offers endless possibilities to make your gathering memorable. Here are some of the top...
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Top Reasons to Host an Outdoor Event
Outdoor events offer guests a fresh and memorable experience, where they can enjoy nature while celebrating together....
Tips to Master Your Wedding Tent Layout
Make the best use of your tent layout by organizing functional areas—such as dining tables, dance floors, and bars—so they work together effortlessly.
Planning an Outdoor Corporate Event: Tips and Trends
In the realm of corporate events, there’s a growing inclination towards embracing the great outdoors. Whether it’s a team-building retreat, a product launch, or an annual conference, outdoor venues offer a unique and invigorating atmosphere that can elevate any event.
5 Reasons To Rent a Marquee Tent
Using a marquee tent for your event offers several advantages, read about them here!
Wedding Head Table Styles
Wedding Head Tables come in many styles and options. Choose the head table style best suited for your special day!
What is a Marquee Tent and Why You Need One?
Marquee tents are invaluable additions to any event or venue, offering versatile solutions for various needs. Acting as tented hallways, they provide protection from the elements when moving between tents or buildings.
What’s the Difference? Tents Edition.
The #1 question our sales team gets is asking what the differences are between a sailcloth tent, a pole tent, and a...
Pro Tip: Aspects of Wedding Planning Often Overlooked
There are dozens or things to think about, timelines to create, vendor contracts to sign, save the dates and invitations to send out, dresses to purchase, wedding party to select and ask – the list goes on. There are many critical key aspects of planning a wedding that are often overlooked. Read our tips and plan your wedding like a pro!
Clear Top Tent Rentals for Events: Pros and Cons
Clear Top Tents are a popular option for events of all types. Their see-through appearance allows natural light, while still providing shelter from the elements.